What does this mean Steve? Where different "pourings" of concrete meet perhaps?
I was rather hoping to go for a wood finish but my efforts at that are poor - very uneven finish. Apart from that in order to avoid using several hundred sheets I laid them with the planks lengthways whereas in reality for strength and robustness I am sure the plank will have gone across the direction of road travel. Looks unrealistic. [Yes, I know all the rest of it does too - but I am trying].
So, I think I will try this DAS clay and try again with a wood finish. I don't think the Peco wood sheets [you can see in the picture] have enough definition to "impress' the clay with a wood appearance but I'll have a go.
EDIT: Another thought occured whilst walking the mutley - if I could get the DAS layer thin enough I could try placing the plastic sheets on top.