I have these figures now surplus to requirements. As you can see six are fully painted and the others on the sprue [apart from one] have only the flesh parts done. The painted figure far right in black has no feet [slightly aggresive surgery] .
They are FOC and I will pay 2nd class UK postage.
First come - first served.
OO Figures - FOC
Re: OO Figures - FOC
On their way. Well, tomorrow. R-
Young at heart. Slightly older in other parts.
Re: OO Figures - FOC
I won't remember where they are in October. R-
Young at heart. Slightly older in other parts.
Re: OO Figures - FOC
All arrived safe and well Roger, excellent paint job indeed, your eyes must be working ok, they will be put to work asap, many thanks again for your generous gesture,
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