The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

Steep Bridge 1

Steep Bridge 2

I'm very keen on these two road bridges over the river because they are the only features where the ground level isn't completely flat (apart from the Tunnel to Nowhere). The backscenes on three sides also help to create the illusion of a less flat landscape.

Future plans include finishing and installing the backscene on the forth side and building up some hills and a raised road. Hopefully, these will create a more natural appearance to the landscape. Alternatively, I could 'relocate' the layout to Lincolnshire and have it as flat as a pancake! :lol:
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

Zooming in 1

Zooming in 2

Zooming in 3

The last photo shows very clearly how unrefined this backscene is, but I think that it works fine from a distance, which is the idea. I plan to replace the painted deciduous trees in the third photo with lighter coloured ones to match those on the other two sides of backscene.
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

Mr Stink




Fans of the (children's) writer David Walliams will know about Mr Stink and his dog, Duchess. My daughter, age 7, and I read it together last year. When I acquired a packet of Dapol figures, I noticed the resemblance between one of the seated figures and Mr Stink. I already had a model dog, so here's my nod to two wonderful fictional characters ( the reader sometimes enters the mind of the long-suffering dog as she laments her owner's poor hygiene). It was pure coincidence that I placed Mr Stink close to some foraging pigs, but they seem to be the only ones that don't mind the smell. David Walliams has a very gentle sense of humour when he wants it that way, and I hope that it's a gentle piece of humour on the layout. Joking aside, adult readers will recognize that Mr Stink has mental health issues and seems to be in a place where even kind-hearted souls cannot reach him.

In the last photo, you can find Mr Stink and Duchess near the top left corner. Perhaps I should add a figure bringing them a plate of tasty sausages.
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

Mr Stink and Duchess Receive a Plate of Hot Sausages

And the World Doesn't Blink

The heroine of the story, Chloe, and her dad bring Mr Stink some sausages, his favourite. He scrupulously saves half of one for Duchess. Chloe and her dad have to stand some distance away on account of the smell, but Chloe is surprised at both how well-spoken Mr Stink is, and the elegance in which he eats his sausages.

The scene needs a little working up, but I prefer it now that it has a more positive feel.
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

From One Angle

And from Another

And the Other Way

And Finally

I'm a little reluctant to upload the last photo on account of the empty space at the top left. I had hoped to have finished the final backscene by now to fill that void, but sadly not yet.
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

Looking Towards the Bay of Gdansk

Mother Nature Softens the Horizon


I've blu-taced the final backscene to the wall. It's rather provisional. On the left of the first photo, the land over the bay looks like a very thin spit of land which isn't the effect I'm after. The trees in this part will need some more height so that only a short piece of sea can be seen above the landmass. Several of the joins are also visible, so these will need tearing to create a less obviously cut effect. When it's a bit more worked up, I'll attach the card and paper to a piece of hardboard or plywood.

There are also the issues of the electronic sockets (behind the paper) and the curved paper (disguising the corner) be resolved.
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

View towards the Bay

View from Shankly

View from the Bridge
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by Chris »

looks good have managed to squeeze a lot of interest into the space
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

Thanks Chris. It is rather squeezed in, but like you say, it makes it interesting (I think so, anyway). 👍

Perhaps sometime in the dim and distant future, when I've made another dozen trees, I'll remove most of the buildings, spread out the farm animals and have a rural photo shoot. I've even got a packet of 1970s Airfix wild animals, so I could create a safari although I'd have to paint most of the animals first. Just a thought.

Old Faithful Rides Again

Having looked at the photos with the new part of the backscene, I'm beginning to think that the long row of trees is too uniform in height. Perhaps I'll work this up a bit with some stick on painted paper.
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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway


Post by IanAlan »

Train Approaching



And it's the Flying Scotsman. I hadn't planned to take and upload a sequence, but it just came out that way.
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