Help please locos keep breaking

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Help please locos keep breaking


Post by AndyH »

Hi all. New modeller/member. I've set an old track up and have had trains running but now 4 or 5 have stopped running.

It's DC, powered by Hornby HM2000 twin controller but only have one side wired up. 3 power feeds, one to outer oval one to inner oval and one to one side of sidings. Power feeds are at tips of the points closest to the tiebar and have power to the track, a bit jerky in places.

I've had trains running no problems but now they've stopped working. There's definitely power to track as I have one train left that'll run.

One of the now not working trains that was running well for awhile prior to it just stopping, now just buzzers.

Another one the cabs light up but doesn't move. The lights do look quite bright. The wires are definitely going to the controlled inputs on the controller and not uncontrolled as I can vary the speed with the throttle.

Any ideas? I'm not sure of voltage going over (no voltage metre to hannd, going to borrow one) I just don't understand why they keep breaking.

Thanks Andy
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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by Walkingthedog »

Have the locos been serviced. I understand they are quite old and haven’t been used for some time, they probably just need a good clean, service and some gentle lubrication.
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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by yelrow »

Did you clean all track before you started. If not, could well be wheels are now filthy. You can test motors with 9 volt battery, or tale 12 volt wires to either side of wheels. If you have a track rubber, or piece of old hardboard, use the reverse side on track. At a pinch, you could clean loco wheels with track rubber. When you post, we all know by now, who you are, and your layout details.. Just start your post with the problem. EG, how do i clean my track, and locos.. Its easier to read that way.
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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by AndyH »

So the track has been soaked in vinegar for a couple days and wiped prior to starting.
The locos were all running and I have one train left that'll run around the outer looo, so I know power is definitely going to the track.
One of the locos that was working then just stopped working, if I now put it on the track it omits be a buzzing sound but doesn't even try to move.
Another one the cab lights light up but again doesn't move but it was working fine the previous day.

It's almost like too much voltage has gone through and blown something maybe? I'm going to borrow a volt metre to test voltage on track . The power cables are definitely in the controlled output as I can vary the speed of the train. I think I'm going have to take one apart and have a look as well as put a 9v battery across the pick up wheels

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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by Walkingthedog »

They need a service. How old are the locos. Are the wheels clean. Are the backs of the wheels clean and are the pickups touching them. Have you looked at the motors. What motors have they got. ???????

Take some pictures and post them on here.
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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by Stese »

I'll repeat what walkingthedog said... it sounds very much like the locos need a service.

as for cleaning the track, i'd suggest getting some Isopropyl Alcohol 95% or more from amazon, and clean the rails with a small amount on a lint free cloth.

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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by brian1951 »

also, from what i have read about your track laying attempts new fishplates would help.
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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by AndyH »

I've managed to get the little red one back up.and running, some plastic had got in-between the motor and housing preventing the motor from turning.

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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by AndyH »

Just taken another ones too off, this was previously running however appears to be missing the positive cable.
I've put power cables across the motor but still nothing.

Any ideas how to take the bogies off/motor out of it?
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Re: Help please locos keep breaking


Post by AndyH »

Ah it just unclips got it out
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