New layout but no name yet

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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by teedoubleudee »

That looks very very good. Well done.
Most people are shocked when they find out how bad I am as an electrician
Bandit Mick
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by Bandit Mick »

Thank you - much appreciated. Will document further progress over time (may even get a move on if I don’t find a new job).
Bandit Mick
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by Bandit Mick »

More work completed - a simple water tank on a plinth and a loading dock ready for the engineering works. All scratch built from card and papers. Further detailing and weathering needed.
Bandit Mick
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by Bandit Mick »

More work done on loading platform and engineering works. Have also made lighting pelmet - from a piece of guttering that really did fall off the back of a lorry and nearly hit me. Sorry about the shadows - can’t afford lighting just yet. Hope it gives a flavour of what I’m trying to achieve.
Bandit Mick
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by Bandit Mick »

Further progress - some ballasting, granite setts begun (but now run out and hard to get hold of locally), a new water tower begun which straddles the tracks, and a ‘concrete’ pad put inside the wagon repair shed at the suggestion of WTD.

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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by bulleidboy »

It's all looking good. BB
Bandit Mick
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by Bandit Mick »

Some productive modelling time yesterday and today. Basic ground cover and setts begun and water tower modified.
Carl L
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by Carl L »

I've been watching this with interest; as for 'juggling with weathering' as you quoted in the reply to my post, I think you've got it cracked, the buildings look stunning. What have you used, paints or powders, or both?
Bandit Mick
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by Bandit Mick »

Thank you. I used washes from acrylics (with great care as buildings are cardboard)and then weathering powders - brown and black. It was a case of adding a bit, walking away then coming back later and adding more if necessary. Powders need a very light touch otherwise you end up with a concentrated splodge in one area.
General DeGaulle
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Re: New layout but no name yet


Post by General DeGaulle »

LOVELY scratch built stuff there, Mick. I also like the idea of using drawing pins before the track is permanently placed. Is this a 'standard' technique or your own? In any case I will use it.
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