Bit of a hiatus on the railway but did manage to pick up the box of track.
Massive amount of all sorts!
Here they are spread out on some old boards.
Railway 022.jpg
Railway 024.jpg
Railway 026.jpg
Some not magnetic but most is, mixture of Hornby, Peco and unbranded .
There is some Triang with a higher profile very chunky and robust it’s the same gauge but would need some sort of transition area to join up to the Hornby and Peco.
Lots of points, crossings, decoupling and strange things which I don’t know the purpose of!
Will sort it into brands and then into Curves, 1st 2nd and 3rd and Straits lots of deferent lengths, most of it is Set-track with just a few pieces of flex.
Have made up three emery boards, corse, medium and fine to clean the track so that will be an entertainment for a few evenings!