Railway books, magazines and DVDs for collection in Peterborough, UK

Model railway or real railway books & magazines.
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Railway books, magazines and DVDs for collection in Peterborough, UK


Post by woodso »

Hi everyone

My uncle recently passed away, and my sister and I are trying to clear his house. He was a keen railway enthusiast, and developed a collection of thousands of railway books, magazines and DVDs over many years.

We are happy to give his collection away for free to anyone who is willing to come and collect them from his house in Peterborough. Please note:

- We would much prefer you to take everything. Given the volume of items, a minivan might be needed

- Neither my sister nor myself live in Peterborough, meaning we will need to arrange a day (probably a Saturday or Sunday) a few weeks in advance

- We emphasise that this is collection only - we will not be posting any items

If there's any interest, please let me know. Thank you.
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