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Why We Model Trains (A Video Blog)
I was thinking, this morning, rarely a good idea, and usually made worse by coffee, that if Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilization, then is perhaps Great Britain the cradle of modern civilization? Now before you go hurling your computer out the window, this is meant as an historical, not political question. Among a very few, Sir Issac Newton, George and Robert Stephenson, Shakespeare, the list goes on and on and on. Along that vein, I produced this bit of rubbish to help you insomniacs out there:
Trouble on the Trax
Thank you for the kind commentary. It makes it so much more fun when I can share this with someone.
Whilst filming for my next video, an advertisement for British Railways (We're getting there, eventually), I turned my back on the little devils for one moment and this happened:

Thank Heavens for neoprene bumpers!
Whilst filming for my next video, an advertisement for British Railways (We're getting there, eventually), I turned my back on the little devils for one moment and this happened:

Thank Heavens for neoprene bumpers!

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