Hi, needing another couple of decoders to throw two more points I remembered I had a spare two port Digitrax, trouble is nowhere can I find the decoder numbers used previously.
I have NCE Powercab system to control my locomotives, can I connect the Digitrax to the programme track and read those numbers?
Failing that can I reset the numbers using the Powercab and then connect them to my Railmaster system which I use for track mimic and point operation.? If so how do I do this?
Thanks, George.
Lost the DCC codes of Digitrax DCC point decoders.
Re: Lost the DCC codes of Digitrax DCC point decoders.
Connect your points device to a programming track attached to your RM controller and using the points decoder programming icon pull down, pick your point device from the list and follow the instructions to write the new addresses. You then need to go into your track plan and assign those new addresses to the associated points on the plan.
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