Tyco Down Under

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Tyco Down Under


Post by Chops »

I never really want to visit Australia. It is home to some of the most venomous insects and reptiles on God's Green Earth, not to mention beaches that are protected by shark nets. However, the Island Continent is a fascination in that it has species that don't exist anywhere else, like kangaroos, but not at all others, like armadillos. And how did the aborigines get there? Did they get transported by UFO's and flying saucers? Well, the answer to this, and many other mysteries lies in the theory that sea levels were a lot lower because ambient water was trapped in glaciers of the previous ice ages, and thus the distance from the Asia to Australia was a lot shorter and could be done by paleolithic island hopping. But, and to this I can find no answer, how did Tyco try to break into the Australian market, and so late in its existence? Tyco did a few pieces in NSW, Victoria Rail, but hardly more than a few pieces out the thousands it otherwise produced.

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