Loading sound files onto Zimo Decoder.

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Too Tall
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Loading sound files onto Zimo Decoder.


Post by Too Tall »

Please excuse the newbie question, new to Model railways and DCC this year !
If I was to get a Zimo sound decoder, how would I load loco specific sound packs on to it ?
At the moment searching has only provided one answer .. a £200 Zimo specific piece of hardware.
Could this not be done with a sprog 2 and JMRI ?
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Re: Loading sound files onto Zimo Decoder.


Post by Itch45 »

you generally buy the decoder with a loco sound pre loaded, check out www.youchoos.co.uk who offer zimo decoders with their sound files pre loaded. Just pick the decoder you require with the desired sound. I have used this site many times and John is really helpful with any questions.
Too Tall
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Re: Loading sound files onto Zimo Decoder.


Post by Too Tall »

Great, thank you :)
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Re: Loading sound files onto Zimo Decoder.


Post by Brian »

To answer your question .... The only way to add sound files to a sound decoder is via a specialist piece of equipment that allows sound files to be added. There are several makes, but they all cost a considerable amount. Hence as stated, its usual to buy the sound decoder pre-loaded with the correct type of sounds needed.
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Re: Loading sound files onto Zimo Decoder.


Post by jed10 »

As has already bern stated, you usually buy the decoder with a sound project already installed. If want to load sound files to a Zimo MS decoder yourself this can be done with a Z21 controller if you are lucky enough to use one of these. It is loaded using the Z21 Maintenance app. You don't need any specialist equipment for this method.
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