Hornby 7k + battery loco

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Hornby 7k + battery loco


Post by IanS »

Has anyone experimented with the Hornby 7k system to control a loco powered by batteries?
As the DCC system isn't using the rails for the DCC signal but using bluetooth, I had a thought that installing enough battery power in a large loco may enable it to be controlled via the Hornby 7k system on an Android or Iphone.

I don't know what drain this would put on a battery or how long this will last. I suppose it depends on the batteries. As the 7K can run on a range of voltages it would suggest that it would work for a while as the battery drains until it gets to a point where enough V's aren't being supplied.

(Maybe I watch too many Sam's Trains!)

Has anyone else experimented?
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Steve M
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Re: Hornby 7k + battery loco


Post by Steve M »

I’m not aware of anyone going down that route but given that a compatible Hornby PSU is under £60 I can’t see what benefit would be gained, except maybe in a garden layout.
As for your last but one sentence - dangerous ground. :D
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Re: Hornby 7k + battery loco


Post by RAF96 »

Yes - at least 2 folk have used 7K decoders with dead rail track - one of the forums reports. May have been the R/C section in RMweb.
The 7K decoder manual cautions against the use of direct battery power simply on the grounds of the need for protection against a short or overload.
A battery can provide unlimited amps until something gives, hence the user will have to provide their own trip system. LiPo batteries being the favourite power source do need a suitable charging regime. If they catch fire you cannot easily put them out if at all.
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