Lostock Junction

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cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by cheshire lines »

The reality is somewhat different as the Wharf section sits underneath the main layout:


There is no physical connection from one to the other, but a modified Peco Locolift allows a small tank loco and a couple of wagons to be transferred from one to the other:



cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction locos


Post by cheshire lines »

Starting to record all the various locos available to run on my layout>


1-CO-CO-1 Diesels

Bachmann Class 40 D368 - one of many lococs inherited from my dad (who was a member of a local model railway club). Runs well despite its age.

Heljan Class 45 D11 - a recent purchased from TMC

CO-CO Diesel

Lima Class 47 D1111 - another one inherited from dad. Runs well (albeit a little noisily) now I've fitted new traction tyres.
cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by cheshire lines »


BO-BO Diesels

Bachmann Class 24 D5054

Bachmann Class 25 D7645

Both inherited from my dad and run well despite their age.
cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by cheshire lines »


Bachmann Class 121 single car DMU number W55028
Supposedly a recent transfer from the Western Region for trials on the branch passenger service.

In reality purchased a few years ago, but I can't remember where from.

cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by cheshire lines »

Diesel Shunters


Bachmann Class 03 D2011
Bought from a local second hand model retailer about 10 years ago. Runs well.


Bachmann Class 08 13365.
Inherited from dad, but unfortunately hardly runs (due to a problem with the pickups I think). Must get it looked at sometime.
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by 508035 »

Can I ask please when the 08 is running, what exactly is happening, is it stuttering or is it like an intermittent running ?

If so then there are a few possibilities that I can think of but possibly other members may have extra possibilities of what the issue is that causes the poor running you mentioned.

1 ) Is the loco DCC, possibly some of the settings may need to be adjusted or the chip has blown.

2 ) Pickups might be making intermittent contact with the wheels and need a slight bend to restore contact or the pickups are completely worn out and need replacing.

3 ) Loco might need a service as the grease may have dried up.

4 ) Motor could be kaput and need replacing.

Those are a few possibilities but as I said other members might have a more detailed answer.

I remember seeing in a railway modelling magazine ( not sure which one ) where someone who had a Bachmann class 08 got fed up with correcting the locos pickups that he made 2 brass sliders which were somehow fitted between the wheels and made direct contact with the rails.

I cannot remember if the modeller removed the original Bachmann pickups or left them in place but I do remember that he concluded the article by saying that the locos performance was greatly improved.

May I also add that the explanation above is for anybody new to the hobby who might be needing advice on a similar problem.
cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by cheshire lines »

Thanks for the info.
The loco is DC (as all mine are).

I'm pretty certain the problem is with the pickups. I've tested it with the loco held upside down in a loco servicing cradle and on one side only the centre wheel is picking up current.

I've tried to get the body off the chassis, but don't seem to be able to shift a couple of the screws.
The owner of our local model shop knows a guy who enjoys taking things apart and fettling them, so may ask him to take a look at it.

Your suggestion about replacing or supplementing the pickups with brass sliders sounds a good way forward.
Thanks again.
cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by cheshire lines »

Been upgrading the scenery on Lostock Junction recently.
Just finished refreshing the backscenes.
Managed to save most of the background sky paper and had enough left over from last time to replace where necessary.
Overlaid the sky paper with some of the venerable Peco backscene sheets, with the sky bits carefully removed.
The final layers sheets from the Sankey Scenics range, fastened to artists backing card using mount spray adhesive (both bought from a local art shop).

At one end is the Station Hotel and some terraced houses with a factory building (downloaded from Textures.com) next to the bridge.


Moving round there is some open country above the bridge and then some terraced houses on the slope down the bridge

The roadways are a work in progress (with a little more variation in height than previously).

Moving along, we have a row of local shops of various types and then a mill building


More open countryside beyond the second bridge followed by a couple of factory buildings (downloaded from Textures.com with one being flipped in photo editing software)


and finally some terraced house backs along the alley behind the loco shed area.


More to follow when I've completed the roads etc.
Too Tall
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by Too Tall »

I love how you manage to make it all look like its always been there, and the clever use of the background and separate buildings really adds depth.
cheshire lines
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Re: Lostock Junction


Post by cheshire lines »

I forgot to mention that I used sellotape double sided tabs to fasten the building sheets to the backscene boards.
It just adds that little bit of relief to the scene.
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