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Re: Started building new lay out

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 6:47 pm
by Chops
Please do post some photos of your work in progress. Micro layouts are a fascination.

Re: Started building new lay out

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:41 pm
by footplate1947
I didnt get that chops. What do you mean by micro layouts. :? John

Re: Started building new lay out

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:59 pm
by footplate1947
Brian wrote: Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:54 am Hi John
Sounds like a nice project with the kitchen base units being the baseboard support. Don't forget before fitting any top to cut some slots in the cupboard top edges to allow any wiring to pass from cupboard to cupboard, once the baseboard top is fixed down. :D
The Base boards are just the standard 2x1 frames under 12mm ply last used on my old layout. They just sit on the base units. Have pre drilled 1" holes where the base boards join up for wiring to pass through using push in plugs at board joints The boards can be just taken apart and lifted off the units if need be. No need to alter the base units. They are only there to give me plenty of storage for my collection (which is bit out of hand these days.) The main problem is the room is bit on the small side. All will be revealed once I get some pictures done.

Re: Started building new lay out

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:30 pm
by Chops
:mrgreen: [quote=footplate1947 post_id=4643 time=1544647295 user_id=232]
I didnt get that chops. What do you mean by micro layouts. :? John
Sorry, over here we are, unaccustomed, largely to the metric system. When I see "mm" I think very small, but that translates into a bit over 3 feet, which is still rather narrow by American general standards. Then I read something about "kitchen cabinets," and I thought, "well, this fellow is doing something in his pantry!" Best of luck on your project!

Re: Started building new lay out

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:37 pm
by footplate1947
I got you chops , yes I think in inches but they mostly sell timber here now in metric , very confusing..
Just for you just under 1/2 ".. :lol: Must say when I am looking at things in mm I keep a tape handy to work out what the sizes are in inches. I was brought up in the 50s with an Abacus at school. ................. John