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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:33 pm
by IanAlan
Thank you Barry. Your kind words are much appreciated. I think that the Worms-eye View captures something of the flat empty spaces of railways. Here are a few less wormy photos


More Coal


But I think that I've got a few more worms-eye views that I'll try to upload tomorrow.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 9:27 pm
by IanAlan
Shankly Days





Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 12:10 am
by IanAlan
The Gdynia End

Looking Towards Shankly Gerrard Street

View from Shankly Sheds

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:35 am
by Chops
I had some time to study this thread, one of my favorites. It is a blessing your Dad was so farsighted as to carefully store these treasures. This layout is a gem, with a cohesive texture that is most engaging. At no small expense I’ve bagged a few Triang pieces, and their rugged design and beauty has repaid me with hours of relaxation and pleasure.

The “Bridge to Nowhere,” is to my eye, a clever bit of optical ambience. It is not necessary to be adjoined to the M1, or a country lane, as it provides an essence to the overall character of the S&G. Photos, with it in the background, are not glaringly obvious that it doesn’t go anywhere, not at all, but sets up a panorama quite nicely. The Napoleonic cannons are a treat.

As you mentioned, it is neither poor nor museum quality, but there are the visual motifs that pull it together as a momento of the small bits of life that make up a life. For example, the color blue appears consistently throughout the village, particularly in the window frames. I doubt you planned it on a computer program, but yet there it is, and quite a bit like a thoughtfully planned flower bed. Also, the various children, from different phases of life. I’ll bet the rent you seen that shoreline more than once.

Never been to Belgium, nor any particular yen to do so, but when I stumbled over a rather tatty Waterloo Farm House, I snatched it up as it so much evoked memories of the stables where my sister took her lessons, back in ‘66.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:20 pm
by IanAlan
Thanks once again Chops. I especially liked your phrase describing my layout as "a memento of the small bits of life that make up a life." I really couldn't have said it better. The overall look and some little details make it uniquely mine. Having seen your photos and videos, I think that the description is also apt for you.

You mention the children on my layout. They are mostly the result of a happy accident. I had some Airfix 'Station Accessories' OO figures from the 1970s which turned out to be smaller than other OO figures, so I painted them in school uniforms and they became teenagers and preteens. I liked them so much that I bought another two packets (now Dapol).

The blue is the company colour, which explains its reoccurring presence throughout the layout. I believe that I mentioned in one of the earlier posts that I kind of kick myself now because I'm a supporter of Liverpool Football Club, aka the Reds. Having said that, I do think that the blue is very attractive - it's just that my heart is red.

I should just say Chops that you have kept all of us on MRF entertained, and we are always pleased to see Another Chops Production.




Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:30 pm
by IanAlan
Champions of England
Followers of this thread won't be surprised that I've marked Liverpool Football Club's 19th League trophy with a victory parade on the layout. It wasn't difficult to do as I only had to change the writing on the buses from the Champions League Victory Parade. I also took the opportunity to change a few buildings around.







There are a couple of worms-eye views which I promised Bulleid Boy (Barry) a week ago.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:40 pm
by IanAlan
Double Diesel

I thought that a photo with some connection to railways might be appropriate.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:48 pm
by IanAlan
Champions of England





It's been a 30 year wait and it's the only victory parade we've had for it, so you really can't blame me for uploading a lot of photos. Several trains do grace the scenes, including the Flying Scotsman.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:43 am
by Chops
Congratulations, and wonderful photos.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:13 pm
by IanAlan
Thanks again Chops. When LFC win a game and my friends or work colleagues congratulate me, I always say, "Thank you. I scored those goals beautifully, didn't I." :lol:

Old Two-faced



This is my latest acquisition, which came as a train pack made by Oxford Rail, and sold by Hattons. I already had a couple of their open wagons, but not any of their locomotives. On the box it says 'Commissioned by Golden Valley Hobbies'. Does that mean that Oxford Rail is just a division of Golden Valley Hobbies or do you think GVH subcontracted the design of the train to Oxford Rail? Just wondering.

The open wagons look painfully empty to my eyes, so I suppose I've got to add making a salt load to my To-do list.