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Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:12 pm
by Postman Prat
bulleidboy wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:14 pm
Steve M wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:01 pm Don’t you need a few more MNs to complete the set? :twisted:
Yes six - don't think I hadn't thought about it!! :twisted:

One of the problems - if your fussy (!) is that of the six, three were "shedded" (is there such a word) at Salisbury (72B), .....
Yes, there is such a word as shedded. I've been using it for years. eg A loco was/is is based at a particular shed.


Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:22 pm
by RogerB
railtec-transfers wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:19 pm
RogerB wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:50 pm I've hidden your post for a moment Railtec - whilst I take advice re. selling. R-
Understood, Roger. I'd included a photo of what the shed codes look like rather than the flat 2d representation which is on the web site, so that people could hopefully gain a real-world understanding of what they look like in person. It certainly wasn't intended to be a "selling" post, more a "this is where the hobby is now at" and "here's a visual illustration of what you're talking about from the horse's mouth" in response to the existing thread, but I apologise if it was taken that way and I can appreciate your need for deliberation.
Your post has been restored based on your explanation.


Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:39 pm
by Steve M
Drifting back on addition to the timber, I ordered some odds and ends from Screwfix. I needed to spend a little extra to get free postage so I added an inexpensive bathroom extractor fan kit. Bearing in mind the main use of this shed is for my spray painting and weathering, this should be money well spent.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:40 am
by Steve M
Made a start this morning to see how many ‘critters’ need relocating. Finding many lost tools that have disappeared down the back of the benches. :D

Definitely seen better days.



Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:00 pm
by yelrow
pity the tips are shut, you could have perhaps made more space. We are all the same. Its that ( it could perhaps have a use in the future) mentality. I have 2 chicken sheds at the bottom of my garden, where things like that, have built up, over last 17 years. Can barely get in, but, am loathe to throw items away. Until i came here, moving house from time to time, solved the problem. Items, just had to go. Trouble now, is, i Have the space, to hold on to that old item, just in case.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:36 pm
by Steve M
I have special place on the other side of the garage where I am piling up all the cr@p for the tip when it escapes lockdown.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:34 pm
by yelrow
Hope its a big place. No second thoughts allowed.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:44 pm
by Steve M
Temporary workshop in place and the wood for the door has been glued and clamped ready for cutting to size.

Image20200429_121044 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:04 pm
by yelrow
Good to see long clamps. Yours look a tad lighter than mine. My 6 foot ones, take some carrying. Do you have a Biscuit jointer. Makes life incredibly simple, with one. I made a door, a few months ago. Nice to see your temp shop, as Norm would call it. Hope all goes to plan.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:22 pm
by Steve M
Yes John, I do have a biscuit jointer, but in this instance I used T&G floorboards. Glued and clamped with those long clamps - worth their weight in gold. They are lightweight, but adequate for my needs.

Dusted off and cleaned my nail gun as well - looking forward to making some noise. :twisted:

On the downside, it’s now raining (hence the commandeering of the gazebo :D ) but hoping for a gap in the weather tomorrow for the timber delivery.

Image2020-04-29_03-12-58 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr