Re: Wiring short
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 9:17 pm
I almost wanted to change the subject title to 'That Eureeka moment!'
I did all the checks as per Brian's last post, removed the insulfrog point, no short, put in the temporary link wire as per the diagram with the point out, and again no short. So I decided to lift the next point down as well, also an insulfrog and relay the pair, one at a time.
With the first insulfrog relaid and connected to the electrofrog via the short length of track there was no short. Equally when the second insulfrog point was laid and connected up to the first point there was again no short. But as soon as the siding at the toe of the point was added, the short reappeared, despite there being no power feeds to the siding.
The Eureeka moment! The far end, this siding (and two others) cross to a lift out section, being soldered to copper clad PCB, the source of the short. It seems that I hadn't been thorough enough when cutting through between the tracks. Believe me, it's been cut now! I really would have helped if I mentioned that, it probably would have saved a lot of time.
I am currently sat rueing all that time wasted spent checking, checking and rechecking, removing all the wiring and LED's lights for what is a basic, almost schoolboy error.
Many thanks to those who have taken the trouble to view and consider and to those who offered advice, particularly Brian. It is very much appreciated.
I could have kept quiet but decided if someone else benefits from my error, all well and good.
I did all the checks as per Brian's last post, removed the insulfrog point, no short, put in the temporary link wire as per the diagram with the point out, and again no short. So I decided to lift the next point down as well, also an insulfrog and relay the pair, one at a time.
With the first insulfrog relaid and connected to the electrofrog via the short length of track there was no short. Equally when the second insulfrog point was laid and connected up to the first point there was again no short. But as soon as the siding at the toe of the point was added, the short reappeared, despite there being no power feeds to the siding.
The Eureeka moment! The far end, this siding (and two others) cross to a lift out section, being soldered to copper clad PCB, the source of the short. It seems that I hadn't been thorough enough when cutting through between the tracks. Believe me, it's been cut now! I really would have helped if I mentioned that, it probably would have saved a lot of time.
I am currently sat rueing all that time wasted spent checking, checking and rechecking, removing all the wiring and LED's lights for what is a basic, almost schoolboy error.
Many thanks to those who have taken the trouble to view and consider and to those who offered advice, particularly Brian. It is very much appreciated.
I could have kept quiet but decided if someone else benefits from my error, all well and good.