Neptune Street

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Carl L
Posts: 330
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Carl L »

Appreciate the comment, thank you.

I've just been back into the shed for another look, I know the card looks dense but I think the cross beans are too deep (25mm) they look too heavy, so will probably cut down to 19 or even 16mm. But then will probably change my mind again. Is this supposed to be relaxing?
Carl L
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Carl L »

First foray into the scenic side:

Skytrex retaining wall, went for the stone wall as opposed to the brick wall as I preferred what seemed to be a heavier profile.


Sprayed with Halfords red oxide primer, looks a touch (very) sterile, but with various brick like colours and some heavy weathering it should be okay (hopefully).


Coffee stirrer wooden fencing, rhs of bottomcross rail needs a touch of thinning.


First greenery, more work to be done. Watching a YouTube video Woodland scenics Scenic Cement was used to fix the flock, would a spray of dilute pva do the same or spoil what's been laid?



Ballasting next, note sure whether to use Woodland Scenics fine or Legacy, 4mm or 2mm.
Carl L
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Carl L »

I can't decide whether ballasting is therapeutic or tedious, but either way the first section has been completed. Opted for a fine grade and blended brown, red oxide and cinders.

Although the wall has had it's first touch of weathering the whole area needs some (a lot) more, track and ballast, cinders and the wall, it is after all supposed to represent a dock goods branch as posed to a main line, so overgrown in may be.

Bandit Mick
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Bandit Mick »

Looking good Carl. I am presently building a micro-ish run down private sidings/wagon repair facility and am also juggling with weathering. I’m a neat person by nature so modelling dirty and run down is challenging. A nice neat summers day type scene is easier but also seems more common.
Carl L
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Carl L »

Thanks for that, I know what you mean by 'juggling with weathering', at times I just sit looking at it and then I'm tempted to try to emphasise the mortar joints but that's a lot brushing on and wiping off, to achieve what? Think there's greenery to sprout out of the wall, but all in good time, more 'basic scenery' to do first in other areas.
Hound Dog
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Hound Dog »

For a first attempt your ballasting looks very good Carl, and certainly much better than my first go........ don’t stress the weathering too much - it is more difficult than it looks to find the balance, and I have to really work hard not to make everything look too manicured.

I am starting to learn that often less is more and to slowly build up in layers and be prepared to walk away and let it settle, and then come back to it later ....... I think it definitely helps the outcome not to rush, but to pause and try to contemplate the finer detail.

Cheers - Richard
Bandit Mick
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Bandit Mick »

I couldn’t agree more. I think your ballasting looks good too. I must admit to finding two things particularly difficult - weathering ballasting correctly in terms of colour choice and getting windows right - cutting holes for them drives me mad - either too big or too small, then they end up wonky. Absolutely hate windows!
Carl L
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Carl L »

Appreciate the comments and the advice, many thanks.

The 'project manager' is also urging a focus on the basics, as with this section, and then the finer detail later, so that's what it'll be, more green banks and ballasting.
Carl L
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Re: Neptune Street


Post by Carl L »

More basic ground work completed. The 'Project Manager' suggested that as this lift out section is the first people see when the shed is opened it might be a good idea to give this some basic treatment. More detailing will be added at a later stage. The foot crossing, from nowhere to nowhere, hides the PCB end of board plates which the rails are soldered to. Can't believe how bad it looks, it was made from coffee stirrers but will be ripped up and replaced with something better.



The turntable has been fitted and I think I've decided it will be an 'open air' one as was the case with one of the Hull Dairycoates turntables in the latter days of steam. Yard lamps a just roughly fitted to judge what they look like.


Inspection pits, coaling tower and diesel fueling point for the other section of the shed area are next on the agenda, as well as more ballasting!
Bandit Mick
Posts: 908
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:42 pm

Re: Neptune Street


Post by Bandit Mick »

You’re cracking on there. Love the turntable.
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