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Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:51 pm
by IanAlan
Don't Jump!

Looking towards Shankly.

The Entrance to Paisley Tunnel

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2019 2:00 pm
by IanAlan
And a few photos focusing on the scenic aspects.

The 11.30 train from Gdynia is delayed by 40 minutes.

Gone Fishing.

My son (in the black trousers) and some school friends waiting for a train.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:59 am
by IanAlan
A Military Presence

The ticket office is actually a Hornby readymade of a weighbridge office.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:12 pm
by IanAlan
These will be my last photos for a while as both my holiday and my stock of photos are coming to an end. I hope to get some other locomotives and rolling stock onto the layout in the next week or so, and to upload some new photos.

How do you want your eggs, fried or boiled?

Men at Work.

Man's Best Friend.

These photos show very clearly how I need to add surface shape, texture and foliage to the layout, but as a work in progress, I feel that it's heading in the right direction.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:31 am
by Drevant
Wonderful layout. Do you mind if I borrow the track plan? Thank you.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 7:08 pm
by IanAlan
Hi Drevant, you are very welcome. It's not a complex design and squeezes a lot of track onto a moderately sized baseboard.

Hi Everyone, I have been working on the layout over the last two months and I've acquired a new four-part controller ( one for each circuit), which is significantly better than my previous separate Hornby controllers.

I hope to do a proper photo session this week. Here are a few snapshots to whet your appetite until then. Changes since the last set of photos include:


Population Explosion

Stone Walling

Lovely Locomotives

It's been progressing step by step. Watch this space, Ian Alan

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 4:36 pm
by IanAlan
The first two photos show the stone walling (Wills modelling materials) that I've stuck to the boards that protect the trains from falling off two of the sides (far right of each photo).

The next two photos show the second road bridge. It's a replica of the bridge further down the road (both Wills Kits)

The backscene I made myself using card which I painted with acrylics. I used a 'tear and paint' method to build up the layers, one in front of the other, stuck to the wall with blu-tac. By tearing, rather than cutting, I tried to create a more natural effect. The rock-face was built up with pieces of crinkley card acquired from a fruit carton to add rocky texture. I'm not pleased with the way that the backscene ends abruptly on the left, so I might add some more trees or cliff-face. Apart from this, I think the backscene adds a lot of depth to the layout.





Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:22 pm
by IanAlan
Lovely Locomotives




Only the top locomotive (Hornby B17 Liverpool) in the first photo belongs to me. All the others are on extended loan from My Friend Stan. The small black locomotive is especially strong and can pull all six of my eight-wheel coaches.

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:06 pm
by IanAlan
Here are some scenic photos.

Bird's Eye View

Forgotten Corner

Background: Up Close

Re: The Shankly and Gdynia Railway

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:30 pm
by IanAlan
Does this photo hurt your eyes?
