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Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:21 pm
by Steve M
Since rebuilding the outside of the shed, I have been steadily converting it into a hobby workshop. There has been no real plan and the project has grown like Topsy.
I’ve posted and commented on progress across a number of threads but thought it was about time that I bought it together in one place (actually, it’s a dull lockdown evening made worse by the weather so just making use of the spare time. ;) ).

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:25 pm
by Steve M
It started with the painting workbench. The modular storage is the same stuff that Hattons sell but I sourced mine direct from the manufacturer in Poland. Even with postage it worked out cheaper although that would not be the case now.

Image20200527_114225 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:35 pm
by Steve M
I had always done loco servicing and decoder fitting in the railway room on a shaky old computer desk that was slowly falling apart. I saw the opportunity to build a second workbench next to the paint bench, specifically for electrical work.

Image20201021_182115 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Image20201104_190433 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Image20201211_115050 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Since these pictures were taken, most of the tools hanging on the wall above the bench have been relocated to one of the other walls where they can’t do any damage if they fall down.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:39 pm
by Steve M
I’ve added some storage drawers for railway parts, screws and tools.

Image20210203_124746 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Image20210203_124755 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Image20210206_140232 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:41 pm
by Steve M
And I added a couple of extra tools.

Image20210201_145354 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Image20210105_155358 by Steve Mumford, on Flickr

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:44 pm
by Steve M
My task for today was to sort out the cr#p that had migrated to the highest shelf in the shed - pulling it all down, cleaning it and then realising that there was a really cold wind circulating around the roof.
So before I put the stuff back on the shelf I sprayed the gap between the top of the shed inner walls and the floating insulated ceiling.
Nice and toasty now. ;)

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:52 pm
by Hound Dog
All looks very impressive Steve, but way too tidy for a workshop.......need to find you some work to do to mess it up again.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:01 pm
by IanS
When you're finished yours you can come and do a one for me in Washington! I'm sure it is an essential journey :D

My layout is in the cold garage - too cold to venture into so you're lucky and making me very jealous! :mrgreen:

Well done you.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:41 am
by PBoland
Looks brilliant, I must do a 'spring tidy' and get more organised. Space is a problem as my shed is just about full (3 tier layout plus tools etc etc) and where did I leave that pliers? - crash :lol: Although a tidy space gives more room, I guess.

Re: Refurbished shed

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:10 am
by bulleidboy
Very impressive Steve - I hope you have a decent lock on the door. Barry