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Fun with Arduino 39 - OLED display SSD1306

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:32 am
by RudyB
We're going to add an OLED display to the ultrasonic distance measurement of the previous video. Together with a battery it now becomes a fully handheld portable device. This is just for fun, the actual purpose is to introduce the OLED display ... once we have that up and running there's a whole lot of fun and useful applications where they can be applied.

Link to Fun with Arduino 39 - OLED Display SSD1306


Fun with Arduino 40 - Station Platform Departure Display with Analog Clock

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:06 am
by RudyB
In the previous video we attached an OLED and we saw how to display a text and some lines. In this video we take this a step further, we'll make a station platform train departure sign with a working analog clock.

Via digital inputs a selection can be made of 6 different messages to display. This can be controlled via push buttons or via a DCC decoder.

The clock starts at a random time, this requires no other hardware than the Arduino and the OLED. In the next video we'll add a Real Time Clock module to make the clock run on actual time.

Link to Fun with Arduino 40 Station Platform Departure Display with Analog Clock


Fun with Arduino 41 Real Time Clock DS1307

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:27 pm
by RudyB
The station platform clock of the previous video runs, but it shows a random time. We can add a Real Time Clock module to have it show the current time. Several versions of Real Time Clock modules are available. This video is about the DS1307 RTC, which can be had for under $1,-.

Link to Fun with Arduino 41 Real Time Clock DS1307


Re: Fun with Arduino - a Series of Introductory Videos

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 5:43 pm
by Bebbspoke
Hi Rudy, hope you are well; - good to find you on here - we chatted some months ago on your TC vids etc.
I now gotta relocate parts of an extensive loft layout (00/H0, non DCC) to the ground floor garage
'cos the old gent who built it is now virtually wheelchair bound.
Have got a Ard "UNO" on order & will soon be playing - so here's the scenario; -
I intend to fit a Hornby R070 TT with a stepper & hope to run this with TCG via Digikeijs hardware
I expect to be OK with the TT rework & sorting out the Arduino on pc...
but how to integrate this into the TC - your advice & suggestions would be much appreciated.

(Please understand I've not as yet observed any of your Arduino vids - so apology if the answer's already there).

Many thanks,

Re: Fun with Arduino - a Series of Introductory Videos

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:10 am
by Chuffchuff
Just to say “ Many Thanks” for introducing and running this thread.

Only just seen it after months of browsing the forum,

Arduino starter kit on order from Rapid ( other suppliers are available)


Re: Fun with Arduino - a Series of Introductory Videos

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:33 am
by Chuffchuff
Arduino starter kit

For what's worth my take on the Arduino starter kit.

I took a while to read up about these kits and people seem to have varying thoughts about which kit offered the best value. They all seemed to offer different items for differing projects and learning experiences.

I have very little experience in electronics and some basic BBC micro programming many years ago , which shows how far of being competent with either discipline.

I chose the Official Starter kit for the following reasons;
I have used the supplier before (Rapid) and always had good service from them. So if any went wrong there is a fallback position.
The Arduino system maybe more expensive than other sources but from what read, there is a lot less hassle , as a beginner, if you can rely on the components in the kit.

The Arduino web site is a little off putting at first, but once you get your head around it, it makes sense with loads of advice, good forum, some half decent railway / road projects. Everything is there, the program editor ( or is it App, nowadays ?). All the project scripts , so no typing is required.

The components and projects in the kit broadly followed projects that I am interested in. It seemed a little unwise to purchase a kit with loadsa bits that you may never use, together with instructions that were not that clear for a beginner.

The crowning glory of the kit is the handbook, which is well written, laid out, explained and illustrated. No downloading PDFs !! The book is about 150 pages a5 sized. If there is a down side, some of the script could be a stronger colour. My eyes are getting to that age ! It is available as a PDF from their site.

The packaging is sophisticated but could be improved. A couple of the containers did have slide out drawers for the contents. It would be better if all the boxes had drawers.

At the end of the day, like so many things, it was about piece of mind in what you are getting, help if there is a problem and supporting the the concept and people behind it.

So, when (if) I get more understanding , I may well go down the route of other suppliers for bits and pieces.

There's loads of model Arduino advice, projects out there both for DC and DCC users.
