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Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:53 am
by Mountain Goat

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 3:49 pm
by Walkingthedog

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:58 pm
by teedoubleudee
Very nice Brian, you must have quite a collection of O gauge now.

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:00 pm
by Walkingthedog
It’s growing. Was going to be one or two locos and about 8 wagons. 12 locos and 33 wagons. Think I need to go to Wagons Anonymous.

That one was a kit. I like making them.

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:50 am
by sandy
:) This collection lark is all very fine and that but somtimes I wonder why I have 130 locos when all I need is about ten. If that in my 9x9 room. :)

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:22 pm
by Walkingthedog
I agree Sandy. I had well over 100 locos in OO. Can’t explain why.

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 10:30 pm
by Hound Dog
Well after what is almost a three year wait, my Accurascale Deltics have arrived and what stunning models they both are - 9020 - “Nimbus” and 55001 “St Paddy”…..see below a quick video

Whilst they have amazing detail, this is also unfortunately one of their weaknesses as many small parts come loose almost everytime I look at them……. Nothing major that cannot be stuck back on ( except the bogie chains which will be not be refitted), but clearly demonstrating that there is a balance to be attained between detail, quality and durability, and whilst you cannot fault the aspirations of the Accurascale team in their pursuit of excellence, I think there is a definite lesson to be learned for their next loco release.

Of far bigger concern is the many derailment issues which I have and which I relate to a loco / Layout compatibility issue as it appears to be sensitive to my R2 inclines. By stripping off the fuel tanks, buffer beam, body and eventually the full kinematic coupling mechanism I can get both locos to whizz around the layout faultlessly for 40 mins on both loops in both directions.

Refit the Kinematic coupling ( without the tension lock) to one end only and the derailments re-occur - there is a snagging occurring between the coupling and the bogie, when the later is off the horizontal on a R2 curve, but despite some minor mods ( filing the coupling mechanism to increase clearances) I cannot effect a cure.

I plan to talk to Accuracsale when I get a moment but think this is a very marginal condition unique to my layout…… Ultinately I may need to look at an alternative coupling arrangement and have already seen others who have fitted wire goalpost type arrangements thru the bufferbeam at one end.

Sorry for the ramblings but after waiting so long for these locos and with all the hype around them, it is rather disappointing to be having such issues.

Cheers Richard

Ps - The back to back sizes are perfect and my other equally long locos ( Westerns, Class 50 and Peaks) have no issues, so not a long loco on a tight curve scenario……. But none of these have body mounted Kinematic couplings !

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:04 pm
by Walkingthedog
Interesting read Richard. One of the problems with perfectly scale models I suppose.

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:46 am
by Steve M
Interesting observations Richard. I’ve been tempted to look at the Accurascale Deltics but not yet ordered one or seen one in the flesh so’s to speak.
Consequently I can’t picture the coupling set up they have designed. Before you go drilling holes and adding hooks, have a look at Hunt couplings. No idea if they would help but maybe worth investigating as an alternative to what you have now.

Re: Your latest acquisition

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:43 am
by bulleidboy
sandy wrote: Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:50 am :) This collection lark is all very fine and that but somtimes I wonder why I have 130 locos when all I need is about ten. If that in my 9x9 room. :)
I think there are many of us in the same boat. I have just counted my collection of loco's, and it currently stands at 127. As you said Sandy, you only need about ten on your layout. In my case I was a collector, starting in about 2000, and I did not build my layout until 2013 - so here we are now in 2022, so that is a collection built up over twenty two years. In my case it did not help having ModelZones flagship shop a five minute walk from my office - they had regular sales :lol: Most of my loco's have never been out of their boxes - the odd photograph taken. I have six on pre-order with Hornby, but I may reduce that.

I note that Brian (WTD) said on the 1st April 2020 (April Fool??) that he had two loco's and two wagons - how things have changed in just over two years :o