In bit of a creative rut, so remixed some old video to create another parody
of American rail promotional film from the 1950's, before the Interstate
Highway System decimated a century of rail progress. Inspired, in general,
by the comic genius of Monty Python.
Hope to bang out another OO video when I ever got the lock done up properly.
Jello on the Move
Re: Jello on the Move
Now THAT is how to play trains, great fun!
Even the Circus gets sidelined for Jell-O.
Maybe the background tune could switch to 'It must be jelly cause jam don't shake like that' by Glenn Miller somewhere along?.
Even the Circus gets sidelined for Jell-O.
Maybe the background tune could switch to 'It must be jelly cause jam don't shake like that' by Glenn Miller somewhere along?.
LC&DR says South for Sunshine
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