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Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:44 am
by glencairn
With the demolishing of Glenburnie Station and Diesel Engine Shed a new layout is planned.

The new plan is not to have a station.
A new engine shed where the old station was.
More scenery added at the old engine shed area.

Work begins. --
The area of the old engine shed.
Where is Crown Point? Answer -- Leeds.

Now both Diesels and Steam engines are in the same area. :D

More to follow.


Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:22 pm
by glencairn
Staff still clearing the old engine shed site.

Track laying at Crown Point is taking place (slowly). The pointwork works okay, but ordinary track needs replacing. I also need some track joiners. A trip to my local model shop shall have to be done.

Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:44 pm
by glencairn
Some track work is down, then the granddaughter arrived. I then lost control. :lol:

See 'The Mess Room'.

Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:15 pm
by Mountain Goat
Half the track up looks like your railways came apon "The Glencairn Axe". What will the passengers say!? :lol:

Mountain Goat watches the Modernization plan take place with interest.

Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:14 am
by glencairn
Mountain Goat wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:15 pm Half the track up looks like your railways came apon "The Glencairn Axe". What will the passengers say!? :lol:

Mountain Goat watches the Modernization plan take place with interest.
Passenger trains can still run, M.G. My grandchildren have demanded it so.

Yesterday (9th Jan)
I was hoping to have the new engine shed area finished at the weekend, but my other grandchildren are staying here.


Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:23 pm
by glencairn
I have managed to 'get five minutes' before the grandchildren arrive for the weekend. :D

Track laid and tested. Diesels arriving and leaving okay.
Now to wire up everything etc etc etc, :)


Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 8:40 pm
by glencairn
A bit more done at Crown Point. All wired up and running.

Charlie Marston has 'moved to slightly larger premises. (At the entrance to the old engine shed.) He now has a railway line access to the network.
Still a lot to do. A new street to build and a school, plus ----. :)


Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:13 pm
by glencairn
What I thought would take a couple of days changing things round has become a major (to me) rebuild of the layout.
Here are a few pictures.

Three views of Charlie Marston's yard.

The new entrance by rail.

An overall view of the site.
IMG_3287 (2).JPG

A streamlined 4.6.0 languishing in the yard. It one of only two to be streamlined. Number 2859 is preserved at Llangollen Railway. I guess this one must be number 2870. :) I shall have a couple of prospective buyers looking it over soon.

Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:15 pm
by glencairn
Charlie Marston's house has also been moved. Agnes Marston is a bit so-so at the move. She has lost her garden.

Re: Diesels at Crown Point.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:30 pm
by Chris
Really nice, love the scrap yard