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poorly computer

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:52 pm
by Eric-B
Hi folks, I think my pc has caught the corona virus!
I've not altered anything, run updates, etc, but -
I can look at images in various files, but the instant I try to attach them, such as to an email, the thing crashes and returns to the desktop.
looking at You-tube vids. I can play recommended vids, but if I click the 'notifications' bell icon, all I see is an empty white box and the buffering wheel.
Everything else works as normal.
I've run every diagnostic I can think of, and even deleted, changed to Chrome, and re-loaded my browser, to no avail.
I do have the original Disk, but if I reload the whole thing, I'll lose everything that isn't backed up to external drives, so am loathe to do that, as it will take most of the day to reload all my anti-virus, malwares, drivers, etc, for a comparatively trivial problem.
I know it's just this pc, because I fired up my old clockwork lappie, and that works fine.
I'm running 64 bit Windoze 7 (yes I know!) and Firefox, on a desktop pc, quad core, and lots of ram.
Any ideas what has decided to play up?
And how to fix it??
p.s. I don't really want to purchase W10, at £115, just in case I'm dead next month!

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:42 pm
by teedoubleudee
Get onto command prompt as administrator if you can and run sfc /scannow
This should check your windows files and repair them if they can. It will report if it finds anything. Hope you have good back ups.

ps. You should not need to pay anything for Win 10 upgrade if you have a genuine windows licence.

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:48 am
by Eric-B
Thanks - I've already run 'scannow' - found no errors!

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:24 am
by IanS
Which mail program are you using? Does your mail provider offer a web access route? While it won't stop crashing from your regular program it may allow you to send the required files.

Which anti-virus program do you use? Has it been run recently? Disable the current one and try a different one. Only one at a time should be enabled however as they fight each other.

I use's free program to clean up registry and clear out un-needed files. Have you used this (or similar registry repair tools)?

If you go to youtube in a different browser (try SRware's offering called Iron which is an off-shoot of Chrome) or Opera does the same problem happen? Again, it won't solve the problem but may provide a work-around until someone can access your computer physically to look at it.

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:35 am
by teedoubleudee
Also download a free copy of Malwarebytes and run a scan. The free version doesn't do pro-active protection though and I recommend the paid for version which checks every web site that your browser or backroom programs goes to. Always down load software from the orignal manuafacture's site which isn't always the first in a search list.

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:26 am
by Eric-B
Thanks for the replies.
Anti-virus is Avira, paid for. Anti-malware is Malwarebytes, paid for. I'm running ccleaner. I've had these for years, all up-to-date. All run daily.
As I put - browser is Firefox.
Email is Virgin. Tried going direct, rather than the desktop. Same thing happens.
As I put, I've added no new prog's, and everything was working fine after the latest update, for several days, then this happens.
Old old clockwork lappie, same W7, but 32 bit, same browsers, anti-virus etc - works perfectly, just very slow and low grade graphics.
So the problem is THIS pc, nothing else.
I've tried system restore now - lost half my passwords (luckily I keep a paper back-up!), but didn't cure the problem!

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:28 pm
by scratchbuilt
Isnt win7 now obsolete and no longer updated?.. All you can do is update to Win10 - or at least that is the reccommended route .

I think if I remember from my time using win7, that the 'updates' get out of step and things like the latest version of Firefox are not compatible.. You will probably find that the PC runs more slowly as well- dont ask me why, but Ive always guessed that it is non compatible files. The local computer shop to me updated all the PCs I have to win10 for free.

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:30 pm
by Forfarian
I was running W7 on my desktop up until February, then I bought W10, but to do this I had to upgrade my mother board Processor and video card. W7 was getting slower and slower and is now obsolete.
Not a cheap upgrade!!

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:04 pm
by yelrow
Interesting about windows 7, getting slower. Ours has not done so yet, but of course, time marches on. We have both english and french versions, but these days, do a lot on our Ipads.

Re: poorly computer

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:05 pm
by mijj
I am running W7 on this desk top and removed Avast (anti virus and VPN) as they slowed everything down until it was painful to work. it now works fine.
I'd have the memory sticks on your desk top checked out if it was mine.
I tried W10 on a lap-top but it was full of adverts. I'd heard of peeps getting rid of them but no one has offered.