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Hattons class 66

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 4:25 pm
by Phil s
I know the class 66 is not everybody's cup of tea, but they are a big part of the modern railway scene.
When Hattons announced they were going to do one and we're hailing it as a big leap forward on the bachy and Hornby offerings I thought I'd get one ordered. It came just before Christmas but only just had time to have a proper play.
Firstly it weighs a lot more than the bachmann one ( I've got 4 of these). The next thing I noticed was 2 of the axle boxes that they made a big fuss over (they rotate) had come off, that took some time to get them back on ( not sure they will stay on tbh). It's a nice smooth runner when you get it on the track, even at very low speeds.
Is it a big leap forward? The lights are better, bachy in general are just a bit too bright in my opinion. It's very well detailed model but I'm not sure it's a game changer. I would be interested in hearing what you guys think, ( hopefully the photos will come out ok, first time posting on here and I'm not that good with I.T)









Re: Hattons class 66

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:00 pm
by vespa
There seems to be a lot of these hitting Hattons secondhand section (possibly returns)

Re: Hattons class 66

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:45 pm
by bulleidboy
Having watched a couple of YouTube videos, both owners had to virtually rebuild the loco's. One derailed on every set of points it crossed - axle boxes out of alignment. Once rebuilt both said it was a fantastic loco. Sorry this was a negative comment, but at least once fixed a very positive result. BB

Re: Hattons class 66

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:21 pm
by Phil s
Not had an any issues with mine apart from the axle box things coming off .