Xtrack cad

Help with designing your track work
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Posts: 125
Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:23 pm

Xtrack cad


Post by Chuffchuff »

I have searched the forum and there is very little mention of Xtrack Cad, so maybe an unanswered question.

I have a design for a layout but now want to add details such as, signals, power feeds, isolated joiners etc.

Has anyone found a symbol library, all I have found so far contain rail stock, and maybe buildings.

Posts: 125
Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:23 pm

Re: Xtrack cad


Post by Chuffchuff »

Gone very quiet :D

I have taken a further look at Xtrack and the libraries do contain items other than track, such as electronic symbols, slot car details. However these can only be copied at the base scale of their file and scale cannot be changed. It seems to be a matter of guessing the scale of the drawing before loading the symbol file.

If you want some detail from a drawing at N scale and use it on OO or O scale, it is too small to be of use, a nd no way to change it.

The work around I have is to export the Xtrack plan as a bitmap ( bmp graphic file) and import it into a free CAD ( LibraCad) or free graphics (Gimp) package where the other information can held and edited on layers. Anything you want, details and positions of trackside items, wiring and colours, etc.

If you need to change the layout, export the new track as a bitmap into a new layer, and delete the old layer , or keep it as reference.

Learning curve is getting too steep!

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