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Up and Down in Henley

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:00 am
by Chops

Loch Ness Monster sight seeing tour in Henley.

How to Spot the Loch Ness Monster

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:48 am
by Chops

Re: Up and Down in Henley

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 10:02 am
by Walkingthedog
Thanks Chops. Great version of Thunderstruck. I live a 30 minute gentle drive from Henley on Thames been there many times but not yet spotted the monster. I shall look harder.

Modern Railway Operations and Bugs That Can Interfere

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:26 am
by Chops

New Year's Resolution: post my British videos under one thread heading. I have about 300 videos, so far, and honestly, when I started, I didn't get the concept of what a "Thread" was, being quite ignorant of how to post a video or a photography, anywhere. So I was posting them one at a time under separate headings, and by the time it dawned on me what other people were doing, that is posting under a single thread heading, I was already in way deep so I kept on going. So, from here on in, I will try to stick every British model rail video and photos thereof, under the appropriate format. Thank you for being endlessly patient with me.

It was a long week of work, and it was a great pleasure to fire up some vintage Triang, which after a few laps, warmed up and ran fairly well. I had no idea of what the theme would be this week, and didn't have much of an idea until I had ran trains for about an hour- sometimes just sitting and relaxing, without an agenda. The point being, if anyone has any thematic suggestions, please advise. I am running out of ideas, and may be forced to start plagiarizing Thomas the Tank Engine, which might not be such a bad idea.

I had originally conceived of filming British model trains long before there was much availability of digital equipment. The video cam that I bought at a pawn shop, fairly cheaply, takes lousy video in comparison to the Smart Phone, with its tiny lens. Especially when doing close up. How this is so, I do not know. I don't care for smart phones, they are too large and too fragile for my taste, so I use one that was gifted to me as a cameral for model
trains and pretty much nothing else. It is a little tricky to position for videography, but a little use of tin cans and duct tape help to hold it in place.

Re: Up and Down in Henley

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:31 am
by IanS
Have you thought of something like this: ... SwNqpfjocX mini camera?

It's quite cheap here in the UK although I don't know how trading restrictions work in the US re Chinese products on Ebay are handled.

A number of YouTube rail modellers use similar min cube cameras on flatbeds to show a 'drivers eye' view by pushing the flatbed ahead of the loco. 'Guards eye' or 'Passenger eye' views can also be had by pointing the lens in other directions.

With your careful editing it would add another dimension to Nessy productions.

Re: Up and Down in Henley

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:53 am
by Chops
That is very interesting, but does it record sound?

Re: Up and Down in Henley

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:37 am
by IanS
It's hard to tell on this video - although at around 9:00 mins it seems it does. Most of the video showing shots has background music.

Re: Up and Down in Henley

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:35 am
by Chops
It does have speaker, so I see. Compared to similar cameras starting around 60 lbs, I am not seeing why this is not a better option for the casual hobbyist, such as I.

Bamburgh (Now Henley)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 5:26 am
by Chops

An early attempt at rail videography using a micro camera, which in itself was installed in a Hot Wheels Video Racer. At the time micro cams were
not as widely available, and rather expensive, so this was a cheap alternative. Worked well enough, albeit grainy, until the batteries went kaput.
Now there seems to be a plethora of micro cams on the market, so I took a shot at this one:

So we'll see how it turns out. Seems that the main thing is the feet per second rate of recording, and most of these gizmo's turn out at about 30 fps,
while the more desirable ones record at 60 fps, which requires full sunlight.

Re: Up and Down in Henley

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:28 am
by teedoubleudee
I have one of those somewhere but not used in ages. Was OK if light was good. FPS is Frames Per Second by the way.