Directional lights on emus
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:10 am
The soon to be released Bacchman 1938 London Underground d stock doesn't appesr to have directional lights as other Bachmann emu stock.
Doed anyone know what lights are available where I can buy them and how I can wire them up so lights change depending on the direction of the units.
As a side line shame they didn't produce igfetant destination boards for the driving and trailer coaches. I would like to see a destination board with Edgware via Charing Cross on one end and Kennington via Charring Cross on the other driving coach.
Doed anyone know what lights are available where I can buy them and how I can wire them up so lights change depending on the direction of the units.
As a side line shame they didn't produce igfetant destination boards for the driving and trailer coaches. I would like to see a destination board with Edgware via Charing Cross on one end and Kennington via Charring Cross on the other driving coach.