Just a few Thoughts On Layout Design.
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:54 am
No doubt we all have our own preferences on what makes a really good layout and what does not, and we all have different ideas. I just thought I'd like to share a few thoughts on what I feel is more likely to give good results.
1. Try not to overdo the trackwork. It is far too easy to fill the board with track and then find one doesn't have the room to add the scenic touch.
2. Though this is a personal preference, I do prefer an oval to an end to end layout as I can give my trains a run. Yes, seeing the same train repeat its lap may not be that realistic, but the ability to sit back and let the trains run compensates for this. (This is my personal experience. Others feel free to think otherwize in regards to this point).
3. If one is modelling in 00 or H0 gauge and one has an 8x4 or a 6x4 board or similar (Or 4x2 or smaller in N gauge) consider keeping to a single track oval with sidings rather then a double track main line, and also consider keeping with branch line type locomotives and stock. They just blend in better with the overall look in a confined space. (Its not that I want to stop you running what you like and if you want a double track oval, go for it! It is just that out of all the layouts that I have looked at over the years, double track with express locomotives tend to look a bit squashed in.
4. If you are building a layout where space is at a premium and one has adopted an oval of track, consider laying the oval in a diagonal type of plan rather then lining the track up to follow the baseboard edge. This stops the eye from thinking "Trainset oval". Another way to achieve a similar effect is to avoid dead straight track. (Flexible track can help here). Just a slight bend makes a world of difference.
5. Consider leaving space for signals and designing the trackwork to include prototype features like headshunts in the design.
6. Consider taking dummy sidings or junctions to the baseboard edge to give the illusion that the " Rest of the world" is out there. It makes the layout look larger then it is. Make sure that trains can't run off the edge though !
7. You dont have to be confined to these points above. Go and have some fun! They are just a few observations to help the layouts look convincing. At the end of the day it is your little railway so it is up to you. Enjoy!
1. Try not to overdo the trackwork. It is far too easy to fill the board with track and then find one doesn't have the room to add the scenic touch.
2. Though this is a personal preference, I do prefer an oval to an end to end layout as I can give my trains a run. Yes, seeing the same train repeat its lap may not be that realistic, but the ability to sit back and let the trains run compensates for this. (This is my personal experience. Others feel free to think otherwize in regards to this point).
3. If one is modelling in 00 or H0 gauge and one has an 8x4 or a 6x4 board or similar (Or 4x2 or smaller in N gauge) consider keeping to a single track oval with sidings rather then a double track main line, and also consider keeping with branch line type locomotives and stock. They just blend in better with the overall look in a confined space. (Its not that I want to stop you running what you like and if you want a double track oval, go for it! It is just that out of all the layouts that I have looked at over the years, double track with express locomotives tend to look a bit squashed in.
4. If you are building a layout where space is at a premium and one has adopted an oval of track, consider laying the oval in a diagonal type of plan rather then lining the track up to follow the baseboard edge. This stops the eye from thinking "Trainset oval". Another way to achieve a similar effect is to avoid dead straight track. (Flexible track can help here). Just a slight bend makes a world of difference.
5. Consider leaving space for signals and designing the trackwork to include prototype features like headshunts in the design.
6. Consider taking dummy sidings or junctions to the baseboard edge to give the illusion that the " Rest of the world" is out there. It makes the layout look larger then it is. Make sure that trains can't run off the edge though !
7. You dont have to be confined to these points above. Go and have some fun! They are just a few observations to help the layouts look convincing. At the end of the day it is your little railway so it is up to you. Enjoy!