Not been in the railway room this week. Taking advantage of this lovely weather we are having and have been digging the garden (getting rid of the weeds) and getting the flower beds ready for the summer. Dont have any grass to cut we have a beach garden
THat was last summer out the front.
Last edited by sandy on Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sandy, great space. Would love to swap my 3 acres for something so manageable. With 79th birthday looming, it would be a nice change not to have to spend 2 days a week, grass cutting.
Unfortunately age doesn't equate to healthiness. You can be a sprightly 90 year old or a worn out 60 something. A couple of hours in the garden and I'm ready to rest for a week! I will be 78 in July.
Most people are shocked when they find out how bad I am as an electrician
Yup, i am finding that 2 hours mowing, now, is long enough. Did the back yesterday. Long front lawn scheduled for today, and rest, tomorrow. Had a cataract op 2 weeks ago, and am on light duties for 4 weeks. We have put all veggie patches to lawn. Use my John Deere, tractor mower, as transport, cutting walking the land, a tad. Cut grass with new 4 wheel drive , twin, Husqvarna, as has non stick deck, so, little cleaning required. Luckily, Knee, apart, i am blessed with good health, ( touching wood ). As i said before, my doctor, is adamant, dont stop work. You are still working, every day, he asks. Local farmer, is 90, and still does a full day. Something in the air, perhaps? usually, its cow manure.