Clip in type bogie removal and replacement of coupling.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 4:51 pm
I have a set of 3 Hornby Pullman coaches that I want to replace the couplings on.
Picture of underside of bogie attached
Firstly I need to remove the bogies so that I can work on them easier, they are a clip in type, that is two prongs with barbs pushed into a hole. How do I remove these bogies without damaging anything?
Secondly the couplings that I want to replace are wide tension lock ones that are riveted to the bogie. I want to replace them with Hunt couplings, which I have purchased. If I clamp the bogie down I should be able to drill out the rivet, any views on what is best, to just take the top rim off or to remove the whole rivet?
Thirdly I will need to fix the new Hunt coupling on with a screw into the hole where the rivet was or part of it still is; where is the best place to get very small screws for railway modelling, the size of which I won't know until I do the job? Thank you

Picture of underside of bogie attached
Firstly I need to remove the bogies so that I can work on them easier, they are a clip in type, that is two prongs with barbs pushed into a hole. How do I remove these bogies without damaging anything?
Secondly the couplings that I want to replace are wide tension lock ones that are riveted to the bogie. I want to replace them with Hunt couplings, which I have purchased. If I clamp the bogie down I should be able to drill out the rivet, any views on what is best, to just take the top rim off or to remove the whole rivet?
Thirdly I will need to fix the new Hunt coupling on with a screw into the hole where the rivet was or part of it still is; where is the best place to get very small screws for railway modelling, the size of which I won't know until I do the job? Thank you