Analogue to DCC.

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Analogue to DCC.


Post by trerod »

I am new to DCC AND want to convert my layout to DCC operation.
My question to fellow members is : I do not think i have insulted rail joiners on the inner frog rails
on my electrofrog points.
If i was to make a gap using a dremmel so the inner frogs arn't touching the joining rail would
this do thr same job as having insullaters inserted?
I hope this question makes sense.
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Re: Analogue to DCC.


Post by Brian »

You really need IRJs (Insulated Rail Joiners) fitted in place of the metal joiners - two per point on the Vee rails. Your plan of cutting the rails after the point will work, but you run the risk of the cut gap closing up. So something really needs to fil the gap to prevent rail creep occurring and the joint shorting out - Epoxy Resin or a small piece of plastic super glued in place and then whatever is used once dry its cut and trimmed to a smooth rail flush finish.

As you say you don't think you have any insulations at the moment, in the way of gaps or IRJs on your Electrofrog points? I guess your points all lead to dead end sidings with no rail feeds after the points. If the Electrofrog points make a loop or have rail feeds after the point you must have some IRJs fitted or gaps cut. Otherwise you would have short circuit occurring on your DC controller.
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Re: Analogue to DCC.


Post by trerod »

Hi Brian,many thanks for your reply,yes most points go to dead end sidings,although i have two used to run the loco
around at the Staion end of the layout.I am new to DCC and understand the basic of wiring the layout but hope
to learn more by viewing the amount of wealth on You Tube.
Mike Parkes
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Re: Analogue to DCC.


Post by Mike Parkes »

If you have two electrofrogs forming a loop you will get a short on both dc and dcc unless both change at exactly the same time so those ought to have plastic joiners anyway.
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Re: Analogue to DCC.


Post by trerod »

Many thanks for your help.
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