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New layout, advice

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 2:39 pm
by PlumbersMate
I am about to start the build but have some concerns about the track design.

I have attached the design. I realise it is a chase-the-tail type which is not everyone's preference but I would like that as my son will be using it as well.

I wanted a large goods yard as well.

I have kept all curves to minimum R2 as I have locos with this restriction. Most of the points are Peco medium size SL-E95 & SL-E96.

My concern is that the track to edge of the board is only 5cm. So locos may fall off the edge if too fast. I can make it smaller left and right but to bring the edge track inwards on the top and bottom means I have no room to insert the points on left and right.

Can anyone one suggest an improvement? While keeping to R2 curves?

Your ideas would be appreciated.

Re: New layout, advice

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 2:44 pm
by brian1951
Perspex edging screwed to board edges.

Re: New layout, advice

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:17 pm
by Walkingthedog
What Brian suggested.

Re: New layout, advice

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:19 pm
by PlumbersMate
I think the perspex idea is good. I had thought of using a board along the 'danger ' side but perspex sounds good.
It would also stop little fingers creeping on while them watch the action.
I had already thought of limiting speed via CV, will do.