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Elbonian Reminisces Version II

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:05 am
by Chops
This was original attempt, with this sound track from Leone's "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." That brilliant film was part of what was called, colloquially, "The Spaghetti Westerns" because they were filmed in Leones's native Italy. (You will notice in the opening scene of GBU that the passenger train is of Italian make and model, nothing at all like the 19th American train it was trying to portray, on a low budget Director Leone was hoping American audiences would not notice or care. In fact, we don't, as the film is a brilliant masterpiece, though its underlying theme was anti-war, in general, against the backdrop of the Vietnam War). As the lead locomotives are of the Italian State Railway, I thought it would be cute to have it as sound track to Elbonian Reminisces, Why Italian locomotives on a British themed layout? Because I like them.