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scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:14 am
by Newrail
I have been given a LNER/BR D11/2 'Scottish Director' kit produced by P.D.K models in OO gauge and was wondering what motor and gears I should install in the model

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:16 am
by Brian
Firstly, welcome to the forum.

Didn't the kit manufacturers suggest suitable items in their instructions?

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:24 am
by Newrail
Thankyou for welcoming me onto the forum

the instructions are basic and just cover the building of the chassis/body with no mention off what motor/gears to be used.

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:27 am
by Brian
Shame, as its not unusual for the kit producer to suggest a motor and gearbox that fits and is suitable!
I see on their web site they are not taking phone calls, but I think I would email them as this is perhaps a way of getting a reply?
Whatever, I wish you luck with your search

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:36 am
by Newrail
thanks for your help. I will send them an email and see what the suggest,

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:01 am
by footplate1947
I did not know the kit you mentioned so I googled it and found a set of pictures which somebody took step by step shots of the chassis construction.
First thing which comes to mind is that there is plenty of room to mount any number of motors. All you have to do is shape up a mounting bracket, and fix it to the frames using nuts and bolts or solder, (making sure the gears engage properly buy adjusting the mounting frame you have made.) and hay presto job done. So decide which motor fits the frames well. A visit to a good model shop should help you there. (take the frames with you ) Or have a word with somebody who builds O gauge locos. I am sure they would be pleased to help. (I do 4mm not 7mm stuff so I am not used to the larger locos. There are one or two people on here who have O gauge but I don't know if they build stuff or just buy it ready to run.
The last time I built an O gauge loco was back in the 70s and there is lot more choice these days so you should not have much trouble finding something to fit. Dont Make the same mistake that the chap who built the one in the photos I was looking at. He forgot to put the gear wheel on an axle for the motor drive to engage. So get a motor and gears sorted out before you put the wheels in the chassis and tighten everything up.

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:47 am
by Steve M
John, he said it was an OO kit in post #1.

To answer the original question I googled loco motors and gears and got links to Roxey Mouldings and DJH models - you could speak to them.

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:02 pm
by footplate1947
O,, did he say oo I did not know there was one in oo. When I googled it I did not find any oo kits, only 7mm,,,,, Sorry about that...........Well the answer is the same, good you knew some links to show him where to get the stuff. Trouble is every body expects everything to be off the shelf these days. I was brought up in a different era. Not so much was available then. :D It would have helped me find the proper manufacturers name of the kit and made it clearer what he was talking about. Buts lots do that dont they. ...............John

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:13 pm
by Steve M
From their website:
“We specialise in the manufacture of British Outline ETCHED BRASS locomotive kits in both 'OO' and 'EM' gauges.”

You are right about finding and fitting a suitable motor John, as they don’t specify one that just drops in, a degree of fettling will be needed to complete the kit.

Re: scottish director motor

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:35 pm
by footplate1947
Thanks Steve for helping out with that one ....I skimped over P>D>K models. Just had look that is handy place to get lots of things. Have made note of them now.. They have stuff that I want or will soon...............John .............. Thanks Steve. :)