Trying to decide on my first layout and just after a bit of advice please.
I would like to do HO/OO scale to utilise exisitng engines and purchases.
I have a 6 x 9m (20x30ft) metal clad shed that I was hoping to house my setup. I'm currently in the process of adding additional insulation to roof and walls to stabilise the temperatue (Tasmania, Southern Australia).
I have young children (2 and 4 yrs) so I may need some continuos running then I was hoping to add some industry for possibly some swithcing work for me (although not sure if I like switching yet as havn't tried it), even if I have to pick it up, get on the loop and deliver it back.
Now this is what I can't decide, do I build a standalone board (the horrid 1200x2400 (4x8) or similar, I can have access on all sides.
Or do I build a room in the shed and build around the walls?
The problem I'm having is you need near 1200mm (4ft) to do a 180 degree turn with any kind of decent radius.
Was thinking a L Girder base structure with probably 12-20mm plywood on top. Cork roadbed. Electrofrog or similar turnouts.
Can't decide on a DCC system, kind of tossing up between a NCE powercab or go the DCC++ type of system.
Probably not going to have any super huge Locos or wagons, smaller COCO and BOBO engines and maybe up to 2-6-0 steam for fun for the boys.
This is my current layout thoughts (sorry about the scribble)

Outer loop has track radius of approx 21 Inches
Inner Loop has a track radius between 17-20 inch whcih could probably be smidged to a bit over 18 with on site tweaking.
The only feedback I've managed to collect so far is that inner loop radius may be too small so consider removing it. And the turnouts off the loops into yards or siding may be too close to the loop curves (which I don't think I can fix easily other that using a curved turnout off the loop to come into the yards/sidings, but have heard mixed experiences from people using curved turnouts)
Possibly wanting to add 1 or 2 more sidings to the main industry for wagon storage - Fiddleing
The road will probably move more to the centre of the layout giving room for addional buildings on the top side of the road.
Probably a depression for a creek or drain and a coal trestle.
Probably a hill and cutting on the top right of the board.
This is the Walther kit I have for the main industry (orange object in plan)

This is an earlier iteration of the plan with curved turnouts

I would like your thoughts on these designs/ideas please, especially if I have done anything overly silly in my design.
Thank you,