Wiring issue

Tricky Dicky
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Re: Wiring issue


Post by Tricky Dicky »

Brian wrote: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:04 am A small word of caution when using ready made D connector cables. Frequently their internal wires are very fine, less than 7/0.2mm and this when needed for larger current requirements such as Solenoid point motors and returns is too small, so you then double or treble up their cores to make an overall larger wire size. But of course in doing so you reduce the number of circuits passing through the cable! ;)
One way to get round that problem is to use relays preferably triggered by transistors. The relay/transistor circuit would have to on the baseboard to enable you to have quite thin wires going back to the control panel. There are plenty of multiple relay boards available on eBay and ones with something like a Darlington array to drive them would be quite compact.

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Re: Wiring issue


Post by PomDave »

Hi Richard,

Now I'm totally out of my depth, and drowning, even the use of a diode bridge is getting to be a bridge too far for me, excuse the pun. I think I'll stick with 25 pin D connectors and mount them on the outside of the table support legs.

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Re: Wiring issue


Post by Brian »

If you're going with 25 way D connectors have you seen or considered using these at the fixed end? They make the onward wiring to the layout so much easier! :D
Example (there are others and cheaper from China too!) Link to 25 way breakout connectors
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Re: Wiring issue


Post by PomDave »

Hi Brian,

Now you're talking my kind of language, no I hadn't seen these types of 'D' connectors. Much easier, being an oldie like myself, soldering up point motors is sometimes a bit of a challenge.

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Re: Wiring issue


Post by Dave S »

Brian wrote: Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:24 am If you're going with 25 way D connectors have you seen or considered using these at the fixed end? They make the onward wiring to the layout so much easier! :D
Example (there are others and cheaper from China too!) Link to 25 way breakout connectors
Thank you Brian.
I used to use old vga cables and the like decades ago. I just came browsing to see if there was anything better. Like many things they are genius for their simplicity
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Re: Wiring issue


Post by Brian »

Data and VGA ready made cables (often cut in half) do provide a quick means of cross board connections. But they have to come with a cautionary warning re their conductor wire size, which frequently is very small and possible only rated at about 1/2 Amp or less per core. So where larger current demands need to be meet trebling or quadrupling up of cores may be necessary for a circuit to function without volt drop. :D
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Re: Wiring issue


Post by teedoubleudee »

If you just want to connect track power an alternative to consider are the Molex connectors as used on Desktop PC power supplies, example below.

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/401572076273 ... BMrKeDjNJf
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Re: Wiring issue


Post by Dave S »

I was thinking of accessories, lights, but that is something I hadn't seen and sure to need so well anticipated! :D
In D-sub context, on a quick google I couldn't see cheapo 3 to 5m multipn (eg D sub) cables, but need to look some more, they used to be dirt cheap.

I may be making life hard for myself but can't help thinking a permanent layout in loft will be obstructive when need to get access to electrics/cables in ceiling below etc. Maybe only be once in 10 years but I'd hate to rip up time consuming work for that essential maintenance task, so thinking how I can modularise layout by having lift out sections.

I also googled "ferrule locating pin" and top of list was this:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293705436657 ... SwHQVfRQR6

Seems we railway modellers are prime user of a generic DIY dowel.
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Re: Wiring issue


Post by Steve M »

When I built my West Orton layout, I too built it as modules using D sub connectors between boards.
Taking into account the need to make sure they are ‘man enough’ to carry the current, I used 25 pin versions and doubled up where I knew there would be a higher load ie most wires are 7/0.2 but by connecting two pins to the same point the load is shared. Effectively making the cross board wires 14/0.2 for the main power feeds.


If you look at the thread above you will see how I made them (rather than cannibalising ready made) for a fraction of the cost. It takes a little time but it’s quite therapeutic. Bulk packs of connectors are available on Amazon and eBay and there is a link to a reasonably priced wire supplier in the thread but don’t underestimate how much wire you will need - to give enough play, each pair of connectors spans about 1 meter so that 25 meters of wire for each one.

There are seven pairs across the joints and another six to connect to the two control panels.
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Re: Wiring issue


Post by Brian »

Dave S wrote: Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:03 am I was thinking of accessories, lights, but that is something I hadn't seen and sure to need so well anticipated! :D
In D-sub context, on a quick google I couldn't see cheapo 3 to 5m multipn (eg D sub) cables, but need to look some more, they used to be dirt cheap.

I may be making life hard for myself but can't help thinking a permanent layout in loft will be obstructive when need to get access to electrics/cables in ceiling below etc. Maybe only be once in 10 years but I'd hate to rip up time consuming work for that essential maintenance task, so thinking how I can modularise layout by having lift out sections.

I also googled "ferrule locating pin" and top of list was this:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293705436657 ... SwHQVfRQR6

Seems we railway modellers are prime user of a generic DIY dowel.
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