Henley: Stopped in its Tracks!

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Henley: Stopped in its Tracks!


Post by Chops »


I had mentioned in my last post, under "HO & International," that it had been quite some time since I'd done anything fun with Henley, other than mutter at it. At last, some activity has returned to biggest small British layout in Texas.

During the filming its always a new opportunity to get out the problems. Fixed a kinked curve on the right side, now traffic passes without plowing
into Stonehenge and blowing out the passengers at Station Henley. Found a wretched little three inch section of track traversing the crossing betwix two mains that was fouling every second or third pass of a train. Bit of hasty filling in the gap using two 1.5 inch sections of Atlas code 100 track, which is just enough difference from OO scale to make some pieces jump and hop before they plow into the waiting local on the other track. When I found my error, I simply grabbed the offending bits and pulled them out with no more care than a root of on an invasive weed. Fortunately, I had sufficient spares
to straighten it all out, and all the coaches are behaving admirably, now. Threw down a few flower planters and glued up a few Bobbies and passengers.

It's a pain in the keester having to constantly mend little things, but when you find the issue and make it right, its a pleasant glow. Enjoy, I hope.
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