The past few days have seen a daily delivery of parcels stacked up on the doorstep which included track mainly to assess what I may need for a 8' x 4' layout which will be located in the garage as the current layout takes up all available space in the attic.
The plan will hopefully be a double track which I now have track for, so from that a simple double track configuration, don't expect weekly updates as I need to find space in the garage, will need some trips to the recycle centre

So why Peak Dale, it's obvious as that is where I live, my main layout has not had a name for the past 20 years

I mentioned in another post recently how excited I was just piecing the track together. Tonight was a test run on the attic floor that was brilliant so hopefully I will progress from there. I know there are some Dublo members here so expect a message.
I've even purchased some of the Dublo insulating tabs just in case

We'll see how it goes but don't expect miracles